Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Form | DNR Form | Editable | Instant Download
A Do Not Resuscitate Form, or DNR Form is an end-of-life medical directive that instructs health care professionals to withhold life-sustaining treatment at the behest of the patient.
Patients who choose to obtain this type of document order are assured that no resuscitation methods will be performed in the event of a medical emergency — it’s important to understand what a DNR is before signing. A DNR form is a specific document governing distinct forms of treatment and as a result, there are essentially no differences between the multiple types of a written order.
You will be able to download your kit as soon as you purchase.
Please note that these do-it-yourself forms and instructions are not a substitute for the advice of an attorney, and no attorney-client relationship is created by the purchase of this kit.
If you have a legal question, you should seek advice from an attorney in the relevant jurisdiction.
No recommendation or advice as to legal remedies or consequences flowing therefrom should be inferred from these forms.
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Form | Instant Download | Editable Template